Mondays 9.45-11am
This 'Just Be' Holistic class is designed to be deeply nourishing for your body and mind supporting you in leaving each class feeling rejuvenated. We will release tension held in the body's tissues whilst also improving balance, mobility, and flexibility. We will start with floor-based somatic movements, then build to some strengthening standing postures, before returning to the ground for yin and restorative poses held for longer, encouraging deep muscle and connective tissue release. We will then end with a nurturing relaxation. Themes will be explored in the class, weaving in mindfulness, meditation and breathwork providing tools to soothe and calm the nervous system, develop body awareness and empower you to navigate life's challenges with grace. Each class is appropriate for all levels. There is the space and kind attention for each person to move with an emphasis on the breath, feel supported and pause whenever they need.
Contact Joanna
